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Superstorm Sandy Feeds

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Print View Posted: Sat Oct 28 2017, 10:08pm

Posted by: w2liePosts: 2824

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Old Display Name: w2lie
Location: Long Island, NY
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Joined: Fri Nov 04 2005, 03:28am

News item posted

thumb_coastguardstormsignal-copy.jpgIt is hard to believe that Hurricane Sandy hit Long Island just 5 years ago. Many of us were glued to the TV and were monitoring weather reports trying to keep track of where the storm might track.

Nobody could guess just how hard this area would be hit. Nobody expected the storm surges would be so great. Nobody expected lines at the gas station, or to be without power for so long.

To mark the anniversary of Hurricane Sandy, we will be replaying the NCPD, SCPD, NCFD-East, and SCFD-West feeds in "real time". The feeds will begin at 1200hrs on 10/28/17 and run through 23:30hrs on 10/31/17. The feeds will run in time sequence as they would have been broadcasted a year ago.

The four feeds will be running as follows:

You will be able to listen to the feeds on your computer by using one of the links on our Live Feed Page, or via the Scanner Radio app on iOS or Android Platforms.

We hope all of those who have been hit hard by this storm have recovered.

thumb_coastguardstormsignal-copy.jpgIt is hard to believe that Hurricane Sandy hit Long Island just 5 years ago. Many of us were glued to the TV and were monitoring weather reports trying to keep track of where the storm might track.

Nobody could guess just how hard this area would be hit. Nobody expected the storm surges would be so great. Nobody expected lines at the gas station, or to be without power for so long.

To mark the anniversary of Hurricane Sandy, we will be replaying the NCPD, SCPD, NCFD-East, and SCFD-West feeds in "real time". The feeds will begin at 1200hrs on 10/28/17 and run through 23:30hrs on 10/31/17. The feeds will run in time sequence as they would have been broadcasted a year ago.

The four feeds will be running as follows:

You will be able to listen to the feeds on your computer by using one of the links on our Live Feed Page, or via the Scanner Radio app on iOS or Android Platforms.

We hope all of those who have been hit hard by this storm have recovered.

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