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NCFD-West and Battalion 3 Radio Upgrade Help

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Print View Posted: Mon Oct 28 2019, 12:21am

Posted by: w2liePosts: 2824

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Old Display Name: w2lie
Location: Long Island, NY
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Joined: Fri Nov 04 2005, 03:28am

News item posted

thumb_d104_silver_eagle_final.jpgIt is time to upgrade the scanners

For the last 14 years, W2LIE.net and Monitor Long Island have been streaming Nassau and Suffolk Counties to the internet. 

However, it is now time to upgrade the scanners that supply the "NCFD-WEST" and the Nassau 3rd Battalion Feeds

The NCFD-West feed is currently a BC780XLT and the 3rd battalion feed is an older scanner

We are looking to update both scanners to Uniden BCT15X scanner radios. 

These will benefit you, the listener, by allowing us to remotely control and program these radios. 

You see, right now it requires someone to physically be on site to lock out a channel or change a function. 

And since upgrading to Windows 10 on the computer that serves both, we can no longer communicate with the BC780XLT to reprogram it. We were never able to communicate with the 3rd battalion feed

These upgrades will allow us to upgrade the older programming in the West and 3rd Feeds and bring everything up to date. 

We are raising money for the following: 
2 Uniden BCT15X Scanners 
2 Unden USB Cables 

After 14 years and paying for hardware and upgrades out of my pocket, this is a bit more than I can afford to spend at this time. I have never once asked the community to help support the hardware side, but the time has come to do so. 

If there is anything left over in our pocket after buying the new scanners and hardware, we will donate the balance to the Nassau County Firefighter's Museum. 

Thank you for your continued support and I look forward to keeping these feeds on for years to come. 

Thanks again 
Phil / w2lie

thumb_d104_silver_eagle_final.jpgIt is time to upgrade the scanners

For the last 14 years, W2LIE.net and Monitor Long Island have been streaming Nassau and Suffolk Counties to the internet. 

However, it is now time to upgrade the scanners that supply the "NCFD-WEST" and the Nassau 3rd Battalion Feeds

The NCFD-West feed is currently a BC780XLT and the 3rd battalion feed is an older scanner

We are looking to update both scanners to Uniden BCT15X scanner radios. 

These will benefit you, the listener, by allowing us to remotely control and program these radios. 

You see, right now it requires someone to physically be on site to lock out a channel or change a function. 

And since upgrading to Windows 10 on the computer that serves both, we can no longer communicate with the BC780XLT to reprogram it. We were never able to communicate with the 3rd battalion feed

These upgrades will allow us to upgrade the older programming in the West and 3rd Feeds and bring everything up to date. 

We are raising money for the following: 
2 Uniden BCT15X Scanners 
2 Unden USB Cables 

After 14 years and paying for hardware and upgrades out of my pocket, this is a bit more than I can afford to spend at this time. I have never once asked the community to help support the hardware side, but the time has come to do so. 

If there is anything left over in our pocket after buying the new scanners and hardware, we will donate the balance to the Nassau County Firefighter's Museum. 

Thank you for your continued support and I look forward to keeping these feeds on for years to come. 

Thanks again 
Phil / w2lie

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