Posted: Sat Jul 25 2020, 04:43am | | | Posted by: Dave3825us | Posts: 1234
| | | | Old Display Name: Dave
| | Premium Member | Joined: Fri Mar 24 2006, 10:47pm
| Is anyone within range of this system? Looking for some info. Would like to know unit numbers when they are called and what do they say when they call in? Do they say their unit number to central?
Is anyone seeing any other tg's than what's listed in the database?
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| Posted: Sat Jul 25 2020, 12:14pm | | | Posted by: nyscan00 | Posts: 49
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| | | Joined: Wed May 24 2006, 10:16pm
| They are using the same unit numbers and radio protocols as the existing 800 system. Central is used to designate Dispatch. Ill be out there this week and will update with any new TG's being used on the p25 system. | Back to top | | |
| Posted: Sat Jul 25 2020, 02:23pm | | | Posted by: Dave3825us | Posts: 1234
| | | | Old Display Name: Dave
| | Premium Member | Joined: Fri Mar 24 2006, 10:47pm
| Thanks for the reply. I am not in range of this system so I do not know the unit numbers they use on either system. Do you know a range or if they are 2 digit unit numbers like 91, 92, 9X etc or are they 3 digit unit numbers?
Thanks | Back to top | | |
| Posted: Wed Jul 29 2020, 06:37pm | | | Posted by: Dave3825us | Posts: 1234
| | | | Old Display Name: Dave
| | Premium Member | Joined: Fri Mar 24 2006, 10:47pm
| Any updates on this? Would you know if either of these rid's are being used on the system? 16770350 16770406
And any of these tg's? 20053 23803 20151 23811
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| Posted: Sun Aug 30 2020, 04:55pm | | | Posted by: Radio5390 | Posts: 460
| |  | | Old Display Name: MBFD5130
| Location: The 5th Division
| | Joined: Tue Mar 27 2007, 11:39pm
| Basic EHTPD info:
"Central" - Dispatch
990 - Sergeant 991/992 - Montauk 993 - Amagansett 994 - Springs 995 - East Hampton/Wainscott
They are referred to as "90, 91, 92, etc.
There are also Marine units that use 87x series #/s | Back to top | | |
| Posted: Fri Apr 23 2021, 06:41pm | | | Posted by: Dave3825us | Posts: 1234
| | | | Old Display Name: Dave
| | Premium Member | Joined: Fri Mar 24 2006, 10:47pm
| Can anyone monitoring this system let me know what is being broadcast on tg 65392 ?
Thanks | Back to top | | |
| Posted: Thu May 13 2021, 01:31pm | | | Posted by: Dave3825us | Posts: 1234
| | | | Old Display Name: Dave
| | Premium Member | Joined: Fri Mar 24 2006, 10:47pm
| Hearing 90, 92 93 and 932 all calling central on Suffolk side, site 3, tg 65392. Guessing its EHTPD but last time I was hearing these units, they were on a different tg so maybe these are just temporary.
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| Posted: Thu May 13 2021, 01:58pm | | | Posted by: RADIOTECH | Posts: 386
| | | | Old Display Name: RADIOTECH
| Location: Suffolk County, NY
| | Joined: Fri Nov 18 2005, 04:43am
| These new radios & systems allow for a "roaming" feature. Eventually, Suffolk and other county radios will be able to work out of their area. They'll be able to work in other areas that grant permission for radios to operate, like Nassau using Suffolk's system, East Hampton using Suffolk's system, Suffolk using the MTA system etc.
[ Edited Thu May 13 2021, 01:58pm ] | Back to top | | |
| Posted: Thu May 13 2021, 02:47pm | | | Posted by: Dave3825us | Posts: 1234
| | | | Old Display Name: Dave
| | Premium Member | Joined: Fri Mar 24 2006, 10:47pm
| I am totally aware of that. I just want to tag the tg in Unitrunker and Sdrtrunk and hope they maintain a steady tg instead of it changing. So far I have heard EHTPD on Suffolk's site 3 on 3 different tg's that come on and go off at what seems like random times. I'm sure its still in testing phases.
Last week when they laid the NYPD officer to rest, I was out in Garden City and was hearing Suffolk's funeral detail on Nassau's site 3 800 simulcast. It was coming in crystal clear.
Do you have any info on Suffolk using the MTA system? I used to monitor it quite a bit and have not seen Suffolk on there. | Back to top | | |
| Posted: Sun May 23 2021, 03:22am | | | Posted by: Dave3825us | Posts: 1234
| | | | Old Display Name: Dave
| | Premium Member | Joined: Fri Mar 24 2006, 10:47pm
| Can anyone out that way confirm if these two tg's below are in actual use any more?
65334 SCPD Command 65270 MEDCOM East
The following are patched talk groups from Suffolk site 4 that were in use on EH P25 last night
P25, BEE00.97F, 65010, 50, Normal, 420, 2021/05/21 23:03, "SCPD Command Patch" P25, BEE00.97F, 65046, 50, Normal, 23, 2021/05/21 22:42, "" P25, BEE00.97F, 65246, 50, Normal, 67, 2021/05/21 23:01, "NYSP Troop L Patch" P25, BEE00.97F, 65260, 50, Normal, 228, 2021/05/21 23:05, "Med com East Patch" P25, BEE00.97F, 65402, 50, Normal, 146, 2021/05/21 23:02, "SCPD Sheriff patch" P25, BEE00.97F, 65506, 50, Normal, 56, 2021/05/21 23:00, "FRES Command Patch"
And these were caught last night and are unknown to me. Does anyone know who they might be?
P25, BEE00.97F, 229, 50, Normal, 10, 2021/05/21 22:48, "" P25, BEE00.97F, 257, 50, Normal, 5, 2021/05/21 22:33, "" P25, BEE00.97F, 921, 50, Normal, 13, 2021/05/21 21:23, " (TDMA)"
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