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Nassau Police Trunk System
Updated info on Nassau County Police's
New 500 Mhz Trunk System
Read more here

Special Feed: 9/11 Tribute Feed

As is 9-11 ribbon.giftradition at W2LIE.net, the 'Special Feed' will be online starting at 8am on September 11th for anyone who wishes to listen to the FDNY Tapes from 9/11. You can hear the feed using our web platform, or via your Android or iOS device with the " Scanner Radio" app. 

Although the feed will be active at 8am, the audio from the FDNY tapes will not begin until 8:46am, which should put the start of the audio in sync with actual events as they unfolded on the morning of September 11th, 2001.

The Feed will remain active for the day.  

The playlist is as follows:

  1. 8:00am - 8:46am - Buffer announcement
  2. Manhattan Fire Dispatch 8:46 - 9:34 a.m.
  3. Manhattan Fire Dispatch 9:34 - 10:22 a.m.
  4. Manhattan Fire Dispatch 10:22 - 11:10 a.m.
  5. EMS Citywide Tape 1 side A
  6. EMS Citywide Tape 1 side B
  7. Fire Brooklyn Dispatch Radio 8:47 - 9:35
  8. Fire Brooklyn Dispatch Radio, 9:35 - 10:23 a.m.   
  9. EMS CItywide Tape 2
  10. EMS Manhattan South Radio, Tape 1, Side A
  11. EMS Manhattan South Radio, Tape 1, Side B
  12. EMS Manhattan Central Radio, Tape 1, Side A
  13. EMS Manhattan Central Radio, Tape 1, Side B
  14. EMS Manhattan Central Radio, Tape 2
  15. FDNY Brooklyn Dispatch Radio 10:23 - 11:12
  16. FDNY Brooklyn Dispatch Radio 11:12 - 12:00
  17. FDNY Brooklyn Dispatch Radio 12:00 - 12:49
  18. FDNY Brooklyn Dispatch Radio 12:49 - 1:37

This is about 20 hours of audio.   
The Special 1 feed will start at 8am EDT and the Special 2 feed will start at 8pm EDT

To hear the feed via your PC, navigate to [link] and the tribute feeds will be at the top of the page.

From your iOS or Android device, download and install Scanner Radio Deluxe by Gordon Edwards.   From the application, browse by source, click W2LIE.net, click New York, and then look for the 9/11 Tribute Feed.

** New for 2023 **
Due to issues with stability in previous years, and also due to ongoing health issues, we have teamed up with Broadcastify to host this year's tribute.
You can find the live feeds on our feed page, on Broadcastify, on the Scanner Radio app, or any other app that interfaces with Broadcastify.

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Posted by w2lie on Wednesday September 11, 2024 - 12:16:56Bookmark and Share  printer friendly create pdf of this news itemLAN_431; LAN_432; LAN_433;
Superstorm Sandy Feeds

thumb_coastguardstormsignal-copy.jpgIt is hard to believe that Hurricane Sandy hit Long Island as hard as it did. 
Many of us were glued to the TV and were monitoring weather reports trying to keep track of where the storm might track.

Nobody could guess just how hard this area would be hit. Nobody expected the storm surges would be so great. Nobody expected lines at the gas station, or to be without power for so long.

To mark the anniversary of Hurricane Sandy, we will be replaying the NCPD, SCPD, NCFD-East, and SCFD-West feeds in "real time". The feeds will begin at 1130hrs on 10/28 and run through 23:30hrs on 10/31. The feeds will run in time sequence as they would have been broadcasted a year ago.

The four feeds will be running as follows:

You will be able to listen to the feeds on your computer by using one of the links on our Live Feed Page, or via the Scanner Radio app on iOS or Android Platforms.

We hope all of those who have been hit hard by this storm have recovered.

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Posted by w2lie on Thursday October 26, 2023 - 16:40:28Bookmark and Share  printer friendly create pdf of this news itemLAN_431; LAN_432; LAN_433;

thumb_d104_silver_eagle_final.jpgLive feeds have been a staple at W2LIE.net since the site was launched in 2005.
We started with just Nassau Fire, and then added Nassau PD, Suffolk Fire, and Suffolk Police, all from my basement.
Some have generously donated their radios so that we could expand the offerings beyond what we could support or hear from my location.
Well, after 20 years of living in this house, it's time to make some upgrades and really make it our own.
Part of these changes includes where the radios are located.
While things here are going under a facelift, the Suffolk Fire and Suffolk PD feeds will be down.   
The NCFD-East will fallback to the NCFD-West feed.
All other feeds will remain unchanged and uneffected by the activities at home.
Once things are normalized here, the NCFD-East, SCFD-West, and SCPD feeds will resume service.
18 years of service is a good run!   This is just a small blip and those feeds will be back soon.

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Posted by w2lie on Sunday July 02, 2023 - 22:33:38Bookmark and Share  printer friendly create pdf of this news itemLAN_431; LAN_432; LAN_433;
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