North Bellmore 650 on 46.32
RADIOTECH, Sun May 29 2016, 11:09pm

This was talked about a few months ago but there's def a problem with the 46.32 transmitter. Heard them tone out Merrick this am for an AFA, barely heard 650 from Jones Beach. They used to be 5X5 in this entire area. 46.10 wasn't too bad, but 32 was horrible. I heard Merricks Chief 5X5 and 650 was coming in weaker than him. Maybe a problem with the antenna or transmitter. My radio picks up Suffolk County from Jones Beach, so it's not my radio.

Re: North Bellmore 650 on 46.32
Darkstar350, Sun May 29 2016, 11:48pm

And to add insult to injury - i was actually in Bellmore with a portable a few weeks ago during a call and despite being so close the dispatch was still scratchy on 46.32
Could very well be a problem with the transmitter itself
But also remember the lowband channels are a simplex system and low band itself is affected by things like atmosphere conditions so what may also be happening here is on days when the radio waves are travelling longer distances - perhaps more distant links could be getting activated...

It seems like its on and off - some days its better some days worse
Sometimes 650 is broken up even on the repeater(453.275)

Bellmore(600) is still simulcasting on their highband channel which comes in pretty clear - seems like they started doing that when i first noticed the problem a few months ago...

Re: North Bellmore 650 on 46.32
RADIOTECH, Wed Sep 07 2016, 01:40am

Has the issue gotten better?

Re: North Bellmore 650 on 46.32
Darkstar350, Wed Sep 07 2016, 11:52am

I would say it probobly has gotten better - or even more likely that its somewhat on and off

Some days they sound better on the repeater - somedays they sound better on lowband...